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General Graduation Info

Answers to questions regarding undergrad commencement & graduation

The 2025 College of Engineering commencement will take place at 4:30pm on Sunday, June 15.

For the College of Engineering commencement ceremony, each graduate receives tickets that they are responsible for distributing to their guests. Claim your 2025 tickets here

Graduation stoles are provided as a gift from the CPE office. You can pick them up either directly from the CPE office or on the day of the graduation ceremony.

The college’s Commencement Office handles all the main details regarding the college-wide commencement ceremony. Check with them for schedules, requirements, and other important information.

Find out more herehttps://commencement.calpoly.edu/graduates


If you wish to graduate in a different quarter than initially planned, you’ll need to submit a petition. Without an approved petition, your participation in the program may be affected. For example, if you finish your studies in December, you would officially participate in the June commencement unless you request otherwise. For more details, please refer to the university’s petition information.

There is no longer a commencement for students graduating in Fall or Winter. The only graduation ceremony is in June. If you to walk, you can, however your name will not be officially on the program. 

Ex. If you graduate in Winter 2025 or Fall 2024 you can walk in June 2025. However if you graduate in Fall 2025 you MAY NOT walk June 2025, you’d walk June 2026.

CPE Commencement Info

Answers to questions regarding CPE undergrad commencement

Yes, the Computer Engineering (CPE) department hosts its own graduation ceremony, usually scheduled right before or after the main college ceremony.

No, attending either the CPE department ceremony, the college ceremony, or both is optional.

Yes, all commencement attendees will need a ticket. To get tickets…

4+1 Program Graduation

Answers Regarding 4+1 Program & Commencement

Currently, there are no master’s programs offered for CPE students.

Once you enter a 4+1 program (for instance, in a different major), you are no longer considered a CPE undergraduate student. As a result, your record will not list you as a CPE student, and your name will not appear in the commencement program until you receive your master’s degree. When you complete both your undergraduate and master’s degrees, your name will appear twice in the commencement program.

Yes, you may participate in the CPE graduation ceremony even if you’re in a 4+1 program. However, since you are not officially a CPE student, your name will not be printed in the program. If you’d like to walk, simply notify Donna in advance.