Gary Perks specializes in Electronics and Electronics Manufacturing. I was a major contributor in the development of two new project-based labs, EE143 and EE241.
- Private Industry experience: Life Cycle Cost Analyst for Lockheed Research Facility in Santa Maria, CA.
- Electronic Technician and Quality Control Engineer for Datamarine International in Pocassett, MA.
- USAF Space Operations Officer and Mission Planner (Spokane, WA., Denver, CO., and Lompoc, CA.)
- Project Management Intern for Hewlett Packard in Palo Alto, CA
MS in Electrical and Computer Engineering at UMASS Amherst
MBA&MS in Engineering Management at Cal Poly SLO
BS in Electrical Engineering at Southeastern Massachusetts University (now UMASS North Dartmouth)
AS in Construction Technology at Cuesta College
AA in Legal Studies (Business Emphasis) at Cuesta College